To apply, please just fill out this form below, by creating a new thread.
Must be, or sound at least 14 years of age ("Developed voices" or any excuses are not allowed):
I am 14 years old and I sound like I'm 16.
Must follow and enforce the server rules:
I will always follow the rules when it comes to being an admin.
Be active on the community forums as well as on all of our Garry's Mod game servers:
I will be frequent on the servers as much as I can.
Members of the community you know:
Have a clear working microphone:
I have a Logitech 6430 headset.
Your in game name:
On steam it's ebwite000 and on this server it's Ethan Lastname.
Have you joined our steam community group? If not (
Your Steam ID or Steam Community Profile Page: Why do you want to be an admin for the Premium Gaming Community:
I see that this server has a lot of potential.
What can the Premium Gaming community do for you:
It can help me be more responcible with other things
What can you do for the Premium Gaming community:
I can watch over the users and make sure people are playing correctly, including myself.
Please create a new thread for your application, do not reply to this thread. Thank you.